Saturday, March 31, 2012

IPA app!

Was looking around online for IPA info and saw this cool looking app for apple phones, ipad, etc.

It's the same as flash cards with IPA symbols and example words. $2.99 but thats almost worth not having to make a ton of handwritten cards. :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

language tree
Flaws- too basic, doesn't account for contact between languages, does not include dates or times
Attributes- the different colors and branches show that "offspring" languages were not clean, distinct, or separate entities from parent language. Groups of languages organized regionally

Susan and Laura's tree

An SVG of Wikipedia's Indio European Tree

And a smaller version.

Sam's table - language tree

A cool fan for the Language Trees

Friday, January 13, 2012

Interesting article

The following link is to an article discussing the ways in which experts in phonetics have different brain structures from lay people.  As we begin to study phonetics ourselves, I thought this might motivate us to concentrate REALLY hard.  :)


Greetings, students!!

Welcome to your ENGL-3720 blog site.  In my vision, this site will allow us all to share interesting tangential information with one another, and to discuss said information should we have a desire to do so.  My goal will be to post after each class period with a brief review of that day's important events.  These posts are NOT meant to replace class attendance, but rather to help you keep track of conversations that may have taken place, as they may serve to inspire further research or project direction.  Secondarily, if you happen to be absent, they can reflect what information you will need to get from classmates.

Also, I frequently come across interesting articles or websites on linguistic topics.  I will post links to these on the chance that you might also find them interesting.  Feel free to comment or ask questions about the articles and we can dialogue about them.

In the same way, YOU should feel free to post links to articles or websites on linguistic topics that you may come across and think the class would benefit from or enjoy.  We can comment on these as well.

So, let's get started!  I hope you are all having a great time and enjoying this snowy weekend.  I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday.  Be safe.
